We here at GamesFirst are half-tempted to put together a GF! version of Mario - with a little game reviewer clutching his PDA and battling the evils of bad game design (and maybe Jack Thompson) - just because we\'re cool like that. That means you can swap out what bad guys look like, what level textures are used, and whether or not you\'re battling turtles or Hammer Brothers. Lunar Magic has a list of interesting features, including image editing, sprite placement, and over-world editing.

After making changes to the levels - editing bad guys, adding coins, and swapping graphics - you can save your file to be played via a SuperNES emulator on your PC, Xbox, PSP, Game Boy Advance, or any other modified system capable of running old SNES ROMs. The nifty little program allows you to design, build, and edit maps for one of the best Mario titles ever made, Super Mario World on the SuperNES. The Super Mario World editor Lunar Magic pretty much hit its final form back in 2003 (there have been minor updates as recent as September, 2005), but that doesn\'t keep it from being a great tool to eat up your time. When something has been around for a while, it\'s still occasionally worth mentioning again, even when it deals with a Nintendo system that\'s been out of manufacture for years.