
Low maintenance small garden design
Low maintenance small garden design

low maintenance small garden design

For this reason there is a wide path (90cm), quite a tall and easily accessible herb spiral close to the kitchen, and generally easy access to all parts of the garden. It is meant to be highly functional whilst looking attractive too. It was an attempt at making a garden that might appeal to people even if they had not heard of permaculture as an alternative to their front lawn. This garden design focuses upon very low maintenance, perennial fruit and herb plants and easy accessibility. In fact this type of garden requires less maintenance than the regular mowing of a lawn. Using the following simple design, you can design and build your own garden, which will provide you with fresh and seasonal fruit, herbs for the kitchen, for delicious healthy teas, plus lovely fragrances and flowers throughout the year - with very little input.

low maintenance small garden design

Some people plant a mixture of plants including pollen plants which bring colour and can contribute towards the local ecosystem. Except for mowing the grass, or using the front door, the front garden goes largely ignored. Please refer to culinary fruit and herb text books before using any plants in the kitchen or consuming any plants. Note: The plants listed below are as a guide - it is not a list of edible species.

Low maintenance small garden design