
Brain games illusions
Brain games illusions

brain games illusions

One way to under­stand more about this sys­tem is to look at how we can trick it, that is, to look at how the brain reacts to opti­cal illusions.ġ0 opti­cal illu­sions to com­bine fun and learn­ing about the visu­al sys­tem (answers and expla­na­tions at the end of the article) How the visu­al sys­tem process­es shapes, col­ors, sizes, etc. The occip­i­tal lobe (in red) is entire­ly devot­ed to vision: It is the place where opti­cal illu­sions happen. For instance the frontal cor­tex (in blue below) is respon­si­ble for deci­sion mak­ing and plan­ning the tem­po­ral lobe (in green) for lan­guage and mem­o­ry and the pari­etal lobe (in yel­low) for spa­tial skills. Each lobe is respon­si­ble for dif­fer­ent func­tions. The brain has two hemi­spheres, each divid­ed into four lobes.

Brain games illusions